
This rant is from the multiple political ideologies that live inside my head. They need a place to come out and play. (In a politically offensive way) Entry into this space is not advised!

Friday, February 08, 2008

Warren Buffet accepts Peak Oil? (Ignore the political talk it starts with.) At time stamp 5:30 he starts talking about the tar sands. He thinks its the best chance to "fill the gap that will otherwise develop in the next decade or two."

Here is a interesting site that takes all the economic data and combines it into one number. Their slogan is, "A chart is worth a thousand words of high fallutin' economic mumbo-jumbo"

Interesting post on how the Fed influences interest rates and the stock market. Turns out the the "Plunge Protection Team" has been operating in full view all this time (if you know were to look).

Here are his two links to support his arguments. "Slosh Report" and "federal funds rate". Once you understand the these two links, it's like peaking behind the curtain in the Wizard of OZ.

Here are two interesting threads from tickerforum.org:
Funding the Bank of Sealy (Hiding money in your mattress.)
Safest banks to keep money?

Safe & Sound ratings By Bankrate.com seem like a useful item. How accurate the ratings are is questionable.

CNN money has a couple of nice pages where you can view the Pre-Market and After hour stock activity.

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