
This rant is from the multiple political ideologies that live inside my head. They need a place to come out and play. (In a politically offensive way) Entry into this space is not advised!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

So, what are the options for Iraq?

I can think of only four, can anybody think of any others?

(Note: Life rarely provides simple easy solutions to complex problems. Don't expect one for this problem.)

Leave: Gallup is showing 19 % want to leave now and 33% “within 12 months”. So that's 52% who would probably support “leave reasonably soon”.

Consequence: Iraq Civil war. USA looses face (we broke it, but didn't fix it). Low troop moral and a propaganda coupe for Jihadists. Acceleration of the three state solution and all its consequences. The chaos may stop oil flowing out of Iraq.

Stay: Americans see war as something between a moral crusade and a sporting event, and they like a clear victory.

Consequence: Possible decades long “Forever War”. U.S. Military strength unavailable for other missions. Federal budget liability will be very significant and have consequences at home. If recruitment dries up, a draft will have to occur. Our presence acts as an “irritation” that makes a great recruiting tool for a growing insurgency.

A Murtha variation: Pull our troops out of Iraq, but don't abandon Iraq. Station them “over the horizon” and continue to fight, but only when you have a large identifiable target and an attainable goal. Paux americana, anyone making trouble gets a B-52 visit.

Consequence: May cost less. Possible decades long “Forever War”. May free up some troops. More open fighting between militias, but a full blown civil war may be avoided with repeated U.S. intervention. Acceleration of the three state solution and all its consequences. Jihadists will claim victory but the issue will still be in question. The chaos may stop oil flowing out of Iraq.

Border Patrol: Redeploy troops as border police. Stop Jihadists at the foreign borders and help defend the northern and southern regions from the Sunni triangle.

Consequence: Possible decades long “Forever War”. May free up some troops. The Sunni triangle will become a lawless living hell, but the rest of the country may become more livable. Baghdad will have to be abandoned. Jihadists will claim victory but the issue will still be in question. Our presence acts as an “irritation” that makes a great insurgency recruiting tool, but possibly not as much as the present situation. Oil fields would remain secure.

Once again I would ask that the Kool-aid drinkers not use this as an opportunity for multi-page psychotic rants about how their side is right and the other side is evil. There are other Iraq threads open on this site, and other sites where you can vent your spleen.

I'm looking for options and consequences, not a food fight.

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