
This rant is from the multiple political ideologies that live inside my head. They need a place to come out and play. (In a politically offensive way) Entry into this space is not advised!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Hurricane Wilma and the wrath of god.

If you had told me in March that we were going to have three Cat 5 storms in the Gulf of Mexico this year, I would have been really skeptical. I've plotted the data and read the papers, but three Cat 5's !? I know the data indicates more storms, and more intense storms, but this is getting a little ridiculous. The trend lines also indicate that next year will be as bad, if not worse. There is no way we can pay for this kind of repeated damage. My dad has a condominium in Florida. He tells me that they still haven't finished repairing last year's damage.

On a different note:

I left the Catholic Church at the age of 18. After looking at the other available religions I became and agnostic. Over the years I have drifted to atheism. But the programming the vicious little nuns inflicted on me has remained intact. They created a virtual nun in my brain. Over the years I have managed to gag her and lock her in a mental closet. But after all the earthquakes, tsunamis, bird flu and hurricanes, she has managed to spit out the gag and is screaming at the top of her lungs, "Mankind has been very bad and god is now punishing you".

I am a man of science. I do not believe in the wraith of god, the current spat of disasters are natural processes. Indications are that some have been aggravated by man's cavalier attitude toward nature, but still, they are just the laws of Physics at work.

On the other hand, that nun is getting really annoying.
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