
This rant is from the multiple political ideologies that live inside my head. They need a place to come out and play. (In a politically offensive way) Entry into this space is not advised!

Friday, June 25, 2004

The Day after, maybe? More oil wars definitely!

Weather is a chaotic non-linear system (basically a heat engine). Chaotic systems are normally very stable except when you start removing or adding energy to them. When you do this they become very very unstable. They will attempt to find a new stable state. They will do this very rapidly. The time frame depicted in the movie is not reasonable. However the final out come is not unreasonable. The data is hardly conclusive but a more reasonable timeframe would be 1 to 100 years.

To find out more about this read “Chaos: Making a New Science
by James Gleick.”

As for the source of the CO2:

We (the USA) have already run out of oil. We import about 50% from some of the most politically unstable regions on the planet. Which leave us with the question of where to get our energy. Market forces can hardly compensate for cheap oil supply that could be 100% cut off at any time for political reasons (like the over throw of the Saudi royal family.) Markets need time to react. A political suspension of supply would not allow for this. We are vulnerable. We need to defend ourselves from blackmail. I think we should remove all oil industry subsides and let the 5 bucks a gallon gas price make alternatives more available. (I like electric cars with Lithium batteries charged by nuclear power plants.)

Nuclear fuel rods can be reprocessed and reused. This is the system France is currently using. If you reprocessed the current “spent” fuel rods lying around at nuclear plants you wouldn’t even have to mine any more uranium (theoretically).

There isn’t enough solar and wind (even with 100% efficiently) to supply New York with power. We don’t have enough oil/coal/natural gas. Nuclear is dangerous.

Pick your poison people you only have three choices!
Fossil Fuel
Alternate energy and conservation

By the way if you are really interested in alternate energy Homepower magazine is the definitive site on the subject.

Also: The department of energy keeps records about solar and wind power availability the USA.


When a person or civilization is faced with the possibility of destruction isn’t it a better idea to try and stop it rather that say: “Hey, lets wait till everything goes to hell. Then we will make a decision”.

It is obvious we are a nation of obese SUV driver unwilling to conserve energy in our homes, cars or work. Our only viable alternative is Nuclear.

Unless you want to go start a couple of more wars over oil!
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