
This rant is from the multiple political ideologies that live inside my head. They need a place to come out and play. (In a politically offensive way) Entry into this space is not advised!

Sunday, January 11, 2004

Over Christmas, my cousin’s husband (cousin in law?) made the comment that Fox news was run by Bush W’s cousin. Being a less than trusting soul (and knowing that this individual was a very left wing liberal) I started looking into the situation.

What I found was more disturbing than the original assertion.
But first:

The whole “cousin thing” seem to be about John Ellis, first cousin to George W. Bush, specifically the son of Bush senior’s sister Nancy. Mr. Ellis is a freelance political advisor contracted by Fox News to run the election night coverage. He made a very questionable call by declare Florida for Bush W. What he is doing now a days I am still looking into.

The really disturbing Part starts with a guy called Roger Ailes and just gets progressively worse. Mr. Ailes is the Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, and President, of FOX News. If you use the search function on foxnews.com it can’t seem to find anything biographical about Mr. Ailes on the fox news site. Also it turns out that Mr. Ailes is “Bush seniors” former campaign strategist. But nowhere on foxnews.com does it mention this. Most commercial news sites have an “about link” it tells you who own the company and usually links you back to the parent company. Nothing like that appears at Fox news. A casual observer can’t help but conclude that Fox news is a 24-hour political commercial for the Bush clan that actively is hiding its intentions.

Now the interesting question is: What does it mean when a political party in the united state takes control of a 24 cable news station and then represents itself as a independent, “fair and balanced” medium? I have always felt that the mainstream press was bias to the left. But I am pretty sure that we would hear howls of disapproval from the right if Bill Clintons former campaign strategist was named Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, and President, of CNN. Lets face it, from the view point of an impartial observer having a political crony run a new service is no a big deal. But having him run the news service in hiding, while the station itself very loudly proclaim that they are a “fair and balanced” alternative is just outright deceptive. Or as we common folk like to say “Fox news is a big fat liar”.

Now I have never been a fan of ANY of the news services. I always got the feeling that they were trying to sell me Pink elephant insurance. However when I watch Fox news my general disgust of the American news media turn to absolute gagging revulsion. Their so-called debates are so obviously rigged and/or staged. The reading of the news is blatantly sprinkled with praise for the Bush clan and criticism of their enemies.

I have always said that it not good to lie. However what is even worse is to lie badly. Take the Fox news political commentary “debates”. The Pro-bush commentator sits erect and confident. His body language, clothes and demeanor says confidences and integrity. The “liberal” looks like a smuck. One of those cardboard cutouts you see at the mall would present a better image. And this is before either individual opens his mouth.

There is no real surprise when they do start to speak. The individual on the “right” is articulate, witty, plain speaking, he has a smooth delivery and a confident tone to his voice. The person on the “left” is a winy stuttering husk whose arguments are full of holes and who’s delivery is pathetic. Of course the person from the right will constantly shout down and interrupt the guy on the left just to put the final nail in the debate coffin.

If the Republican Party wants to own a 24 hour news service, fine! This is America. If you don’t feel like your side is being told then go out and tell it. But don’t masquerade as a independent news source. The tone and presentation of the Fox news is obviously using the teachings of Joseph Goebbels the Nazi propaganda minister "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it". The fact that they are winning the cable news race makes this a sad day for the USA. Joseph Goebbels must be laughing his head off down in the bowels of hell!
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